Experience Highlight: Reitmans Product Advisor Quiz

Reitmans R Line Bra Quiz guides customers to the perfect bra, based on their responses to an inviting, effective 6 question quiz.

About Reitmans

Reitmans has been around for close to 100 years, but doesn’t feel a day over Trendy. With a strong online presence and more than 230 stores across Canada, Reitmans is bringing an open and positive fashion experience to the inspired modern woman. Reitmans believes in empowering women by promoting self-acceptance as they lead the fashion industry into a more inclusive and sustainable future.

The Microexperience: R Line Bra Quiz

The R Line Bra Quiz is an inviting and effective microexperience that helps alleviate the purchase anxiety many customers experience when searching for a new bra. By answering 6 simple questions, participants are rewarded with a personalized recommendation.

You can experience this quiz firsthand here.

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The value exchange (one of the major tenets of zero-party data collection) between customer and brand is clear. Customers understand that by providing their data they are to receive something of value in return. In this case, it’s a personalized recommendation, direct link to shop recommended items, and a link to relevant educational content (“Discover our guide”).

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More Product Advisor Quizzes

The R Line Bra Quiz is a great example of using a product advisor quiz for a unique guided-selling experience that drives sales. Other use cases for the Wyng Product Advisor Quiz include:

  • Collecting email opt-ins and building retargeting audiences, by adding an optional form at the end of the quiz.
  • Enriching CRM profiles with valuable preference data, by creating a quiz specifically for existing customers and tracking click-throughs via dynamic URL parameters.
  • Spotting purchase intent based on answers to specific questions.

Ready to Build Your Own Product Advisor Quiz?

Existing Wyng users should check out the Wyng Product Advisor Quiz Overview in our Help Center. Or, if you are new to Wyng – start your free trial today! Get started with a product advisor quiz, and then check out our templates for UGC contests, countdown calendars, spin-to-wins, and more!

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